ASPA welcomes landmark funding agreement for WA public schools
Wednesday 31 January 2024
The Australian Secondary Principals’ Association (ASPA) congratulates the Albanese Government and Western Australian Government on reaching an historic agreement to increase funding for all public schools in Western Australia to 100% of the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) by 2026.
ASPA President Andy Mison said “This agreement is a very positive step towards properly funding public schools across Australia. We look forward to similar agreements being reached with all states and territories this year.”
“We welcome the Commonwealth’s commitment to lift its share of funding from 20% to 22.5% by 2026. This will provide much needed additional resources for public schools in WA.”
“It is vital that the full quantum of this additional funding is passed onto schools. We urge both governments to work closely with the education sector to ensure these extra funds directly support teaching and learning in schools.”
Mr Mison said there were some crucial details still to be clarified around how the agreement will operate.
“The commitment to fully fund the most disadvantaged schools first is welcome. However, it is unclear whether this will be achieved through changes to the per student funding amounts, or to the loadings for disadvantage.”
“We also note the Australian Education Union’s concerns around the inclusion of non-teaching related costs in the SRS. Clarification is needed to ensure the full funding reaches classrooms.”
“With growing enrolments and shortages of teachers and support staff, it is vital that this extra investment is not absorbed by system-wide wage increases or existing programs.”
“While reaching 100% of the SRS by 2026 is welcome, we must remember that the SRS represents the minimum funding required for schools. After years of underfunding, public schools will require ongoing support above this base level to help students catch up. Achieving 100% of the SRS will not instantly resolve the challenges facing our schools. Sustained investment over the long term will be required."
“This deal is a great step forward for WA schools. We now urge all state, territory, and federal governments to work together this year to ensure needs-based funding for every public school in Australia.” Mr Mison said.