ASPA Announces National Education Summit

Canberra, Friday March 13 2024
Leading policymakers, experts and educators to gather to address inequities in Australian secondary education
The Australian Secondary Principals’ Association (ASPA) will host its landmark National Education Summit at Parliament House Canberra, on Tuesday 26 March 2024, bringing together principals, policy makers, education officials and experts to address persistent inequities in Australia’s secondary education system and develop solutions to improve outcomes for all students.
Entitled ‘Equity in Australian Secondary Education: Crossing the Divide’, the Summit will consider school funding, senior secondary assessment, and school leader wellbeing, taking forward key priorities and stimulating new ideas for a longer-term reform agenda. It will feature addresses by Federal Minister for Education Jason Clare, Shadow Minister Senator Sarah Henderson, and Greens Education Spokesperson Senator Penny Allman-Payne.
Jane Caro AM will MC the event, which will also include panellists such as Dr Pasi Sahlberg, Federal AEU President Correna Haythorpe, NSW Director General Murat Dizdar PSM, ‘Waiting for Gonski’ Author Tom Greenwell, Queensland Department of Education Secretary Michael De’Ath and Dr Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of the South Australian Department of Education.
The leading public secondary school principals from all states and territories representing 2200 school leaders and more than 1.1 million students will attend the summit, along with the CEOs of AITSL, ACARA and ESO, parent group ACSSO and a host of other eminent education advocates and experts.
“This Summit represents an unprecedented opportunity to shape an agenda for reform that delivers on the Australian Government’s commitment to provide every young Australian with access to a high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances,” said Andy Mison, ASPA President.
Key Summit priorities highlighted by Mr Mison include:
Fully funding all public schools to 100% of the Schooling Resource Standard by 2026 as a minimum, removing loopholes that allow funds to be diverted away from schools
Measuring and reporting on social segregation between schools and its impacts on wellbeing and achievement
Sustainably funding capital infrastructure for public schools
Developing national frameworks for senior secondary assessment and pathways that recognise a broader range of skills and capabilities, integrate vocational learning, and invest in research into alternate models
Providing greater resources and support for principals to lead learning and build positive school cultures
The Summit also launches important new research on principals’ health, safety, and wellbeing, underscoring the need for systemic change to support our education leaders.
“By bringing together experts and decision makers from across the country, the Summit aims to produce practical, evidence-based solutions to tackle inequity and unlock the potential of all students and schools,” Mr Mison said.
“We want to ensure that every young person has the opportunity to succeed in education, life and work, regardless of their circumstances.”
Media enquiries: Andy Mison 0400202088 | Penny Underwood, 0409925299
About ASPA:
The Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA) is the national peak body representing secondary school leaders across government schools in every Australian state and territory.