Final School Disruption Report Fail
Friday February 9 2024
Canberra - The Australian Secondary Principals’ Association (ASPA) rejects the main recommendations in the Senate Education Committee's final report on classroom disruption released yesterday.
"The report does not adequately address the real factors underlying student disengagement," said ASPA President Andy Mison. "The dissenting opinion shows a better understanding of the long-term investments needed."
Mison rejected the call for another inquiry into declining academic standards, saying "What we need now is leadership and political courage to tackle systemic issues like poverty and inequality."
He called delivering 100% of the Schooling Resource Standard to all public schools an urgent priority in the next National School Reform Agreement. "Underfunding disadvantaged schools only worsens inequality, and reduces the capacity of principals and teachers to address classroom disruption."
While appreciating their efforts, Mison said curriculum materials from the Australian Education Research Organisation alone cannot solve complex systemic problems. "Real change requires addressing root causes, not quick fixes."
ASPA urges all political parties to work together to fully fund public schools and develop solutions that truly tackle the disadvantages students face.
"We need political leadership willing to make systemic change, not another inquiry,” Mison said. "ASPA calls on all parties to commit to fully funding public schools as part of a comprehensive strategy to improve outcomes for all students."