ASPA Welcomes Paid Placements For Teachers
Canberra, May 6 2024
ASPA Welcomes Paid Placements for Teachers
The Australian Secondary Principals’ Association (ASPA) today welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement to provide student teachers with $320 per week during their professional experience placements. ASPA President, Andy Mison, commended the initiative as a critical investment in Australia’s education future and a significant step towards addressing teacher shortages.
“ASPA strongly welcomes the government’s commitment to financially support teaching students during their mandatory placements,” Mr. Mison said. “‘Placement poverty’ has long been a barrier for aspiring teachers, often forcing them to juggle work commitments alongside their unpaid placements, causing significant financial strain.”
Mr. Mison highlighted the positive impact this initiative will have on attracting and retaining talented individuals in the teaching profession. “By alleviating financial pressures, this payment will encourage more people to consider teaching as a viable career path. It sends a clear message that the government values the teaching profession and is actively working to grow the teacher workforce.”
The $320 per week payment directly addresses a key recommendation from the recent Universities Accord review, demonstrating the government’s commitment to strengthening both teacher training and the pipeline of future educators.
“Quality teachers are the foundation of a strong education system,” Mr. Mison emphasised. “Attracting a diverse range of capable individuals to the profession will benefit students and schools across the country. ASPA believes this support for aspiring teachers is a smart investment in Australia’s future.”
ASPA looks forward to continued collaboration with the government on initiatives that bolster the education system and ensure Australia has a robust supply of high-quality teaching professionals for years to come.
“Supporting our future teachers is an investment in our nation’s future,” Mr. Mison concluded.
Media enquiries: Andy Mison 0400202088
About ASPA:
The Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA) is the national peak body representing government secondary school leaders in every Australian state and territory.